Math tutor - Baltimore, Maryland

20.00 $

Hello, my name is Airat!I have higher mathematical and economic education.I teach math classes in English and Russian for students of schools and colleges!I also have a blog about math problems from different exams and their solutions in Instagram.
If you need to prepare for exams (including entrance exams), to understand the curriculum in mathematics, I can help!
My work experience is 7 years. I'm familiar with the specifics of many exams (SAT MATHS, ACT, AP Calculus,A-LEVEL, GCSE, IGCSE,IB).I'll also help you prepare for other exams, if you wish!
I will teach you how to think mathematically, and not just a test run. I explain complex mathematical things with simple life examples. After all, every complex mathematical problem consists of many simple things (just like in real life).
If you are interested in classes, I will be glad to help!


  • Опубликовано: Янв 31, 2025
    • Baltimore, Maryland

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