exotic kittens from the cattery - Virginia Beach, Virginia

2000.00 $

Exotic Shorthair
kitty, named Lacomka! Excellent breed data, bright, elegant color.
The girl is very smart, gentle, quiet, loves to sit in the arms and purring with pleasure.
Leading kennels of Russia, Europe and America
Registration of the kennel in the CFA, PKD-negative.
For more questions answered in private messages.
Exotic shorthair kitten, named Luvr! Excellent breed data, rare color.
The boy with an ideal temperament adores petting, will follow you everywhere as a loyal dog).
Leading kennels in Russia, Europe and America
Kennel registration in the CFA, PKD-negative.
For more questions answered in private messages.


Животные: Продам

  • Опубликовано: Дек 23, 2022
    • Virginia Beach, Virginia

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