Savannah F1 - Long Beach, California

10000.00 $

Monopred nursery offers a boy of the Savannah breed of the 1st generation. Papa African serval is not an aviary. Lives in the house, in a private room. Dad is tame, human-oriented. Mom is a savannah of 3 generations, without admixture of Bengals.
The boy was raised by us. This is just a fantastically MEGA affectionate kitten. When you touch it, a purring motor starts immediately. And the guy starts rubbing against you, getting up on his hind legs. So that you take it more quickly on the handles. Mega affectionate, constantly tail walks behind the owner. these are not words, after getting to know him, you will understand that every written word is true! Such a gentle child. Accustomed to the tray and scratching post. Vaccinated twice with Nobivac Tricat and once with Nobivac Rabies. Chipped. Castrated.
It is perfect for a family with a child. The guy is a great companion. Excellent high ears, pedigree head. A bright spot. Long body. High limbs. Only one cat in the family! Exclusively by one.


Животные: Продам

  • Опубликовано: Сен 10, 2023 Изменено: Май 6, 2024
    • Long Beach, California

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