Строительные работы любой сложности (капитальный ремонт внутри и снаружи дома. Монтаж демонтаж перогородок, стен. Стяжка. Подготовка и покраска помещений. Плитка. Сантехнические работы. Электрика. Укладка напольных покрытий, ремонт и реставрация дере...
Hello! Need help with home repairs or maintenance? I'm here to help! My name is Tony, and I'm your reliable handyman. With my extensive experience and professional skills, I'm ready to tackle any project - from minor repairs to major renovations. ...
Hello everyone! My name is Tony, and I'm your reliable handyman! If you have any issues with home repairs or maintenance, I'm here to help. I have extensive experience and professional skills to solve any tasks, from minor repairs to major projects...
-Furniture assembly - installation of air conditioners - house/apartment painting - wallpapering installation of TVs, paintings, blinds, etc.